Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to

  • Describe how the Criminal Code of Canada and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms relate to the work of a security professional
  • Identify the legal authorities, rights, and limitations of an on-duty security professional
  • Discuss and provide examples of a citizen’s power of arrest under the Criminal Code
  • Identify the types of offenses in the Criminal Code of Canada and provide examples of each
  • Discuss and provide examples of the following:
  • Use of force in the line of duty
  • Provisions for search and seizure in the performance of duties
  • Legal powers of security professionals in situations of trespassing or vandalism
  • Legal powers of security professionals in loss prevention and theft
  • Describe the consequences when a security professional exceeds his/her authority
  • Identify and explain additional legislation with respect to security professionals, including:
  • Gaming and Liquor Act and Regulation
  • Trespass to Premises Act
  • Petty Trespass ActEmployment Standards Code and Regulation

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